Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Jon is a 32-year-old construction worker, who recently returned from six years of service in the Middle East. Throughout those years, he only came home on leave three times.  While in combat, he was exposed to some very traumatic events such as picking up body parts of his friends who died, surviving a bomb attack on his platoon, and making raids on populated areas.  He thought he was okay when his service ended, despite the fact, that he did have some nightmares. Since returning home, … [Read more...]

Protecting Your Mental Health

Almost one in five people have a mental health diagnosis, so when most people think of mental health, they think of such things as depression or some type of anxiety.  While those are mental health diagnoses, it is misleading to only think of mental health issues that have already reached a critical level and have caused someone to seek help and get a diagnosis.   Another way to think about mental health is to consider what can be done to promote good mental health or to prevent mental … [Read more...]

Mental Health of Families Displaced by Hurricane Sandy

It may be the start of a New Year, but for many families from across the NY/NJ region reconstruction, building debris and construction crews are daily reminders of Hurricane Sandy. The media covered the events surrounding Sandy for months, but although the reporting has died down, the personal and emotional loss felt by many remains. Personally, I was affected by the storm when my Little Silver, NJ office was flooded. For the first month or so following the storm, I worked on the second floor … [Read more...]