Most of the time, children are resilient. They bounce back pretty quickly. Of course, there are always those kids who have a harder time with change or with difficult circumstances, kids that Dr. Thomas Boyce refers to as the “orchids” in the greenhouse They are the ones who are more sensitive to their environment than usual and require more attention than the average child. Understanding the Orchid Child Today, however, it may feel like every child is an orchid. With the coronavirus … [Read more...]
Mental Health of Families Displaced by Hurricane Sandy
It may be the start of a New Year, but for many families from across the NY/NJ region reconstruction, building debris and construction crews are daily reminders of Hurricane Sandy. The media covered the events surrounding Sandy for months, but although the reporting has died down, the personal and emotional loss felt by many remains. Personally, I was affected by the storm when my Little Silver, NJ office was flooded. For the first month or so following the storm, I worked on the second floor … [Read more...]
Understanding Anxiety Disorders
Getting sweaty palms and “butterflies” in the stomach right before an important job interview, a big speech, a first date or any challenging situation is normal. Anxiety disorders, however, are medical illnesses that differ dramatically from normal feelings of nervousness. The symptoms of these disorders often occur without any warning and can actually interfere with one’s life. Anxiety is the most common medical illness in the U.S., afflicting upwards of 20 million Americans. If left … [Read more...]