Archives for February 2014

Skip the Chocolates: Take the Relationship Quiz

Valentine’s Day, February 14 has arrived. Are you prepared to celebrate with chocolate and flowers? Or, maybe you’re heading out for a “special” dinner and movie? Dating or married, the pressure is often on to impress. Cupid may or may not strike, but you sure work hard to please your partner on Valentine’s Day. Ironically, the holiday originated in Roman times when the Emperor forbid single men from marrying in order to make what he believed were better soldiers. Not until the 15th century … [Read more...]

Words are Just the Beginning

In recent months, prominent public figures, past and present, have been in the news for very different reasons. We mourned the loss of Nelson Mandela, honored the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and questioned the integrity of Governor Christie. All of these men, known as great speakers, have used their words to motivate audiences. Their words, however, are just the beginning as their actions determine their place in history. Dr. King and Mandela have changed many hearts and minds with their … [Read more...]